(1 Rating)

3 Writing Corrections

Categories: Writing
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About Course

Dear candidate,

You can send us up to 3 writings to be corrected and marked in less than 48 hours by our experts, who only work on IELTS writing.

Each writing correction would be either in task 1 or 2. This means that each correction doesn’t include the two tasks and it’s in one task only.

You will know your score and receive comprehensive feedback from our examiners pointing out your mistakes and giving you some tips on how to improve this skill and get ready for the real exam.

Based on our candidates’ reviews, the feedback that the Academy gives is like a private class and has been very helpful for them to realize why they get stuck in 6 or 6.5 and learn how to improve that in a very short time.

You have to click on the pdf file attached to this file and choose one of the topics from the file and send it in both pdf and word formats to writing@rossielts.ca and zozo.writing@rossielts.ca

We will send you back your corrected writing in less than 48 hours.

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What Will You Learn?

  • You will learn your band score
  • You will learn your mistakes
  • You will learn tips on how to improve your band score

Student Ratings & Reviews

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5 months ago