IELTS Reading Course
About Course
In this section, you need to watch the videos while you study the pdfs attached to each one. In these files, we have prepared a series of general English readings in different levels of elementary, intermediate, and advanced with the practice for you to improve your reading comprehension and get ready for the IELTS passages in time. Other than that, you will have some more pdfs on the different question types of the reading skill which have fully been mentioned in the videos.
Like listening, after you watched all the videos and took the tests, it will be time to refer to the question bank and start taking the full tests of the 4 sections in order to see how you can handle 40 questions.
Course Content
IELTS Reading Course
Short Answer Questions and Summary Completion
00:00 -
Matching Headings
00:00 -
Multiple Choices & Matching Info
00:00 -
True, False and Not Given
00:00 -
Matching Names & Yes/No/Not Given
00:00 -
Exam Day, Time Management
00:00 -
Practice One: Short Answer Questions
00:00 -
Practice 2: Summary Completion
00:00 -
Practice 3: Matching Headings
00:00 -
Practice 4: Multiple Choices
00:00 -
Practice 5: Matching Info
00:00 -
Practice Six: True, False, Not Given
00:00 -
Practice 7: Matching Names
00:00 -
Practice 8: Yes, No, NG