Most frequent questions and answers
Ross IELTS academy helps candidates providing them IELTS preparation packages that helps developing all the skills and techniques required for the Exam.
We provide you with different IELTS packages based on the candidate’s level, time, and needs.
No, they aren’t. You need to have at least pre-intermediate English level to start studying for the IELTS exam and the required skills and techniques. Therefore, it’s only suitable for IELTS candidates with at least pre-intermediate level to start the packages.
If you’re not sure about your English level, we can help you with that. All you need to do is to book an online evaluation with one of our experts to know where you stand, that’s how we can recommend you the suitable material and package based on your level.
By having an online speaking mock test with one of our experts that will guide you based on IELTS criteria, you can evaluate yourself before the real exam. That’s how you will know your weak points and the techniques you will need to work on.
The speaking mock test takes 30 minutes and will be held via Skype. The examiner will ask you related questions in each three part and you will answer them. Then, we will give you comprehensive feedback including the tips you need to know based on your speaking skills.
You will get the recorded file of your mock test for more practice, as well.
You do not have to worry about this issue at all. We will set a time that is suitable for you based on your timeline.
In writing correction, an expert will correct your writing based on the IELTS criteria and give you comprehensive feedback which can be sent to you in written format or a through voice or video note.
British-based podcasts which are prepared by the academy’s native teachers will improve your listening and speaking skills in three levels. Besides, you will learn new collocations and vocabulary in different topics along with the correct British intonation and pronunciation.
Since you will learn all the required skills and techniques, the material of IELTS packages is all you need. Besides, we will also provide you with enough comprehensive resources for practice.
If you’ve got any problem with the enrollment process based on the package that you are willing to purchase, one of the members of our support team will guide you through that step by step.
Please remember that due to the nature of our offline courses, which can be easily downloaded and accessed, we have certain limitations in offering full refunds after the purchase has been made. However, we do strive to ensure customer satisfaction and offer partial refunds for specific courses.
For our full courses, such as the Silver and VIP packages, we can provide a partial refund amounting to half of the total course fee in the event that you decide not to proceed with the course. We believe this policy strikes a fair balance, considering the efforts and resources we allocate to the development and delivery of our comprehensive courses.
We would like to emphasize that our primary goal is to provide you with the best learning experience possible, and we are committed to assisting you throughout your journey. If you have any concerns or specific questions regarding our courses or refund policy, please do not hesitate to reach out to our support team. We are here to address any queries you may have and ensure your satisfaction.